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25. januar, PON: SVS NEM(7:50), SVS ANG(odpade), ZGO DZ, FIZ DN(une 3 grafe+enačbe zraun), Burns night(dodatne INFO v spodnji novici)

26. januar, TOR:

27. januar, SRE: Vaje KEM(1.skupina, 2. in 8.ura, LINK do vaj), BIO tekmovanje

28. januar, ČET: ANG test, FRA kratek test, KEM odpade-zato mamo ANG, ANG pesmica

29. januar, PET:

jutri angleška skupina nima SVS, ker ste ure opravili s pripravo na škotski večer (vsaj večina vas) - za nemško skupino seveda to ne velja, razen če se niste dogovorili drugače.
Še enkrat bi vas rada opomnila, da se program začne ob petih (povabite starše), večina nas mora biti tam pa že ob dveh. Škotski večer je seveda za vse evropske oddelke obvezen.
Lep preostanek vikenda,

Liebe Schüler!

Morgen haben wir SVS Deutsch in der 2.Stunde um 7.50. Bitte pünktlich sein!

lg und schönen Sonntag!


2A: I came across this website last week – you can see Robert Burns reading "My love is like a red, red rose":

Ogledov: 452 | Datum: 23 January 2010

Dear All


Please find attached Monday’s schedule and send it to anyone who you think will not read the class email. Make sure you know where you are supposed to be and when! If you have a problem with any of the timings or tasks, please speak to the person in charge of your group.


Dancers – can you remind me what the girls are wearing. What colour of top did we decide?


Have a great weekend!

Kind regards



Ogledov: 441 | Datum: 22 January 2010

Dear All

 A friendly reminder about your homework which is due tomorrow – a paragraph about the Stereotypes of Scottish and British people using an many adjectives as you can. I have marked on the e-group those which I have already received.

Remember if we have a full house of homework, we’ll let you watch little Britain as a reward, it’s very funny!

Kind regards




Dear All,

The rehearsal tomorrow will take place during PIO (8th hour) in the Amphitheatre, We need to be out by 2pm so please arrive as soon as the bell rings. The following people need to be there:

1C: Nastja and your band
2A: Domen, Denis, Jan
3A: Blaz, Jaka,
4A: Andrej, Aljaz, Aljaz, Klemen, Ziga and Klemen (those in higher level, I have spoken with Pika)

Thursday 2nd hour:

Dancing rehearsal - gym. Those in 4A, if you don't have something crucial in class and want to come along for another rehearsal, let me know which class and teacher you need permission to be excused from.

Friday 9th hour:
On Friday, we will have a full rehearsal in the gym and all participants should attend. If you have a class in this hour, please let me know which class and your teacher.

1C: Nastja and your band
2A: Domen, Denis, Jan
3A: Blaz, Jaka,
4A: Andrej, Aljaz, Aljaz, Klemen, Ziga and Klemen plus the technical team and those making the scenary for the play (Tajda, Barbara)
Dancers from 3A and 4A

Monday 2pm:

On Monday, I would like performers and the technical team to stay in school so we can have a final rehearsal and prepare the gym in the afternoon. We will provide lunch for you so you don't starve (if you're not too nervous to eat!). If anyone has a problem with this, please let me know.

Finally, Well done to all those who have been helping so far:

2A SVS - you're posters and flyers are great, the charity group is progressing well and the slideshows are coming along nicely.
3A KIC: I've been impressed with your attitude (even those who didn't want to) and how quickly you've learned the dancing, the Scots would be proud of you!

I know many of the performers have spent a lot of time rehearsing at home and I can't wait to hear you tomorrow.
Kind regards

Ogledov: 440 | Datum: 19 January 2010

Dear All

Burns night is only one week away and for those of you who are involved, this is the most important and exciting time. Now your songs, lines, slideshows, scenery and dances need to be perfected to the level that we can show to others. This week, there is rehearsal at the following times

Monday Malice - Ziga and Klemen
PIO Wednesday - All performers (singers and actors) except dancers. Technical group, I will confirm whether I need you before Wednesday.
Thursday period 2 - dancers
Friday period 9 - All performers, dancers and technical group.

Rehearsal location will be confirmed in the next few days.
Kind regards
Ogledov: 414 | Datum: 15 January 2010

SVS ANG JE OB 7:50!!!! Prej sm narobe napisu, ker se z diane nisma vredu razumela očitno.

18. januar, PON: ZGO DZ, FIZ(vaje 2.skupina 7.ura), SVS ANG(ob 7:50), SVS NEM(ob 7:00), MAT DN(250-254), PSI recenzije

19. januar, TOR: GEO test, FIZ(vaje 1.skupina 1.ura)

20. januar, SRE: SLO sprašuje, GEO tekmovanje, ANG DN(stereotypes+esej)

21. januar, ČET: SLO test

22. januar, PET:
Ogledov: 418 | Datum: 14 January 2010

Good evening to you all!

Class notices:

Date for your diary: For those who don't know, Burns Night will be on Monday 25th January at 5pm. If anyone would like to be involved and hasn't already spoken to me, please send me an email or speak to me in class. It promises to be a great night :-)

1A: I think that Prof. Cajnko gave you some homework on Thursday, don't forget!
2A: SVS starts at 7am tomorrow for the English group
3A: Nothing special for you this week.
4A: I only recieved a poem from Zan and Ales, that still means a couple of people owe me something - they know who they are!

As for news, well the only news this week is the weather.
Snow, ice, chaos, closed airports, closed schools, total carnage!
In my home region, all the schools were closed until tomorrow, my neighbour was defrosting a pipe with a hairdryer and the supermarket had run out of fresh food because no deliveries were getting through. Our local petrol station had also run out of diesel and a helicopter trying to rescue a sick baby froze to the helipad!
On the lighter side, check out these photos

Have a good week.
Kind regards

Ogledov: 435 | Datum: 10 January 2010


Ej js bi res lepo prosla nekoga, ki ne rabi zvezkov za BIOLOGIJO, GEOGRAFIJO, ZGODOVINO & NEMŠČINO (sm druga skupina), če bi mi jih biu prpraulen zaupat za čez vikend da pogledam če mi manjka kaj pa da se nageekam...ful bi bla hvaležna če bi se našel nekdo =) če je kdo tak PROSIM, DA MI NEKOT JAVI, da bi mi rad pomagal. (fon 040497187 al pa mail

hvalahvala.  Dee*

Ogledov: 477 | Datum: 07 January 2010

Na mail sem dala koristn staf za matematičarje, ki bojo grizli svinčnike jutri. biggrin
Ogledov: 436 | Datum: 07 January 2010

Sporočam, da tudi nemška skupina pri svs jutri zjutraj nima pouka.

Ogledov: 412 | Datum: 03 January 2010

najprej naj vam zaželim vse lepo v tem novem letu; za angleško skupino pri svs pa imam tudi majhno darilce. Namreč, jutri ni svs-ja. Žal isto ne morem reči za nemško skupino, saj zdaj nimamo več skupnega projekta in  ker ne delamo več skupaj ne vem kaj imata vaša profesorja v planu.
Lepo se imejte te zadnje ure pred novimi šolskimi izzivi!
Ogledov: 425 | Datum: 03 January 2010

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